General assembly (Prometheus-X)
General Assembly of Prometheus-X association
3 debats
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El següent formulari filtra els resultats de la cerca dinàmicament quan es canvien les condicions de la cerca.
Saltar als resultatsEl següent formulari filtra els resultats de la cerca dinàmicament quan es canvien les condicions de la cerca.
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It is still early because the use cases are barely emerging but we have to start discussing the business model, in particular how the commission taken by Prometheus-X on the common infrastructure...
Debat obert
Creat el
15/12/2021 -
- 0
According to the statutes of the association, we must define in the internal regulations the functions of the members of the office within the CA.Articles 9 and 10 of the statutes which concern...
Debat obert
Creat el
15/12/2021 -
- 0
The association's general assemblies are central points in its functioning because they are the opportunity to take decisions on a set of proposals prepared upstream by the Board or other groups of...
Debat obert
Creat el
15/12/2021 -
- 0