Socle technique
Technical Working Group of the Education and Skills Data Space
Changements sur "Discussion with AgdataHub about identity and consent"
Description (English)
1. The research project started with consent but evolved into identity management (decentralized identity system on the blockchain)
The idea is to create a right of ownership of the farmer's data (which can be resold: in particular on the cost of raw materials, data from John Deere combines)
2. Currently AgDataHub uses Alastria, Spanish blockchain (, because the most successful (and the most standardized in terms of W3C identity)
Orange, AgDataHub are working with EBSI to achieve a deployment on it. AgDataHub is blockchain agnostic and follows different European approaches and advances.
3. 8 European identity-related blockchains are under construction (see second slide below). Two streams:
- Spain where the blockchain comes from the private sector
- Germany, where it comes from the public sector with the aim of integrating all German industrialists.
Spain has an identity protocol that is "deployable" on all blockchains. This Spanish approach consists of standardizing an identity implementation protocol, which seems relevant because it allows the same protocol to be re-implemented on different blockchains.
Germany chose Hyperledger Indy ( which provides a toolbox, libraries and components (can be seen as a "framework" dedicated to decentralized identity We can imagine that cooperative work between companies will be done for identities (if one company is verified by BMW the others use this information)
We need a standard to set on these standards and rules
France currently does not have a blockchain (this is the reason for the use of Alastria by AgDataHub).
Orange and Perrine de Coëtlogon are in the process of creating an association (ABF: Alliance Blockchain Française) which will set up a French Blockchain linked to identity. The question arises of its relationship with EBSI
4. Without predicting the longevity of each blockchain (which will last, which will disappear), it is complex to be able to ensure the long lifespan necessary for certain use cases (such as diplomas)
Farmer data usage certificates are less affected by this subject because their lifespan is generally limited to 6 to 12 months.
The EBSI could be used as a conductor blockchain.
It is assumed that multi-blockchain compatibility will be done more at the level of wallets.
The wallet should make it possible to bridge the gap between different blockchains (as Metamask is currently doing for example)
5. Only wallets certified by trusted entities can take part in AgDataHub.
The IN wallet (from the Imprimerie Nationale) is the wallet certified by ANSSI that is closest to being put into production (Docaposte and Thales wallets should also be certified by ANSSI).
Each country will have to have / certify a wallet, a European wallet will surely see the light of day
The cost of certifying a Wallet (estimated at around 2 million euros) will only allow large players to be able to create one. These wallets will not be opensource.
6. To identify natural persons (pp: beneficiaries of agricultural holdings), AgDataHub uses France Connect. A natural person must have a personal wallet.
From January 2023, the INPI will identify / certify a legal person (pm: company wallet). Ain
The limit of Agdatahub is that they can have all the agricultural companies but not their suppliers, ... No identity at European level because based on the register of the ministry and France Connect
In the field of education there is a public list of training organizations but not that of EdTechs (the INPI database can also be used, see economic interest group and trade and company register)
Functioning :
1) Identification of the farmer (France Connect or CNI)
2 °) Once identified, we create the associated legal person = (allows to create the link between the two personalities)
It is possible to associate several PPs with MPs and vice versa.
For the PP wallet = difficult choice because of high level of security (RGPD):
For the PM wallet = simpler because public data
Identity in our education ecosystem is often tied to the degree. Moreover, unlike agriculture, we have two layers:
- Identification part of institutions, EdTech, peri-para / school; teachers.
- Learner identification part.
7. The data marketplace is developed by -
1. Presentation of how the AgDataHub identity / consent works
2. Discussion around European blockchains, Alastria, EBSI and France
3. Personal wallet (Natural Person) and Company wallet (Legal Person)