DASES - Gouvernance GT français
Gouvernance du groupe de travail français pour le Data Space Education & Skills
Golden Circle - Why / What / How of DASES
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Référence : [PX]-DEBA-2021-12-55
Numéro de version 1 (sur 1) voir les autres versions
It could be interesting to share our vision of what so called the "Golden Circle" : the How / How / What of DASES.
- Why : This is the purpose of DASES. Why does DASES exist.
- How : This is the to processes and strategies built to achieve DASES purpose
- What : This is the service DASES builds
It looks like an easy game, but it could help everyone describe DASES each time we have to talk about it.
Apple Example :
- Why : Everything we do, we believe in challenging the status quo. We believe in thinking differently. - Apple changes the world
- How : The way we challenge the status quo is by making our products beautifully designed, simple to use, and user-friendly.
- What : And we happen to make great computers. - Apple builds computers
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